Tracy qualified as a homeopath BSc (Hons.), she gained clinical experience as both a classical and clinical homeopath and incorporates a variety of Bach and Bush flower remedies and tissue salts as appropriate to each case. Further experience has been gained with Narayani remedies and Banerji protocols in 2016, spending time with Dr. Banerji’s clinic in Calcutta 2018. Tracy works at Festivals over the summer for the charity The Homeopathic Collective treating acute cases..

Homeopathy is an effective, holistic and gentle system of healing that has been used for over 200 years worldwide, it uses natural and highly diluted substances homeopathic remedies that are prescribed to trigger the body’s innate healing mechanism to raise vitality and wellness. Homeopathy aims to bring the whole person back into balance resolving physical, mental and emotional symptoms.

Nutritional therapy is an evidence-based approach to maximizing ones health potential through individually formulated nutritional and lifestyle changes. It promotes the benefits of good wholesome, unprocessed foods for optimal wellbeing, as well as the therapeutic effects of particular foods, herbs and spices for specific health conditions…

"Tracy is very friendly which makes the sessions enjoyable as well as beneficial." Danny Cunningham

Homeopathic remedies work on the principle of “like cures like”: a person is given a remedy that would produce similar symptoms in a healthy person…


Nutritional therapy treats the body as a whole whilst seeking the root source of health concerns rather than simply the symptoms, with personalised dietary recommendations...